Friday, October 31, 2008

The finished product!

The finished product!
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily

Trick or Treat!

Trick or Treat!
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily

Trick or Treat!!

Trick or Treat!!
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily

Pumpkin carving

Pumpkin carving
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily

"Family" by Mary

"Family" by Mary
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Future Northwoods Montessori Student

Future Northwoods Montessori Student
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Keeping warm in my new hat!

Keeping warm in my new hat!
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Climbing the stairs!

Climbing the stairs!
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily

Grocery shopping!

Grocery shopping!
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily

Friday, October 24, 2008

Quotes from Mary in the car

On the way home today we were discussing the fact that Henry's birthday is coming up, and that it occurs just before Christmas. This led us into a discussion that Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of Jesus...and then the big question, "Mommy, how old will Jesus be on his birthday?" How do I answer that one? ;)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Holding my sleeping baby

As Henry turns 10 months today, I'm realizng how fast he and Mary are growing up. Henry looks nearly identical to Mary when she was this age. Watching the bond form between the two of them fills my heart with so much joy. Mary wants to be with Henry always, she often times will pick him up, carry him around, stop him from putting things in his mouth that he shouldn't, "share his cheerios" with him, always has to kiss him good night before bed and when she goes to school in the morning. Henry's face lights up when he sees his big sister. There are the occasional screams when she gets a little too close to his personal space, but most of the time its giggles, goos, gaas, and grins. Henry is very mobile these days, crawling quickly, pulling up on anything that he can and "cruising" around. Within the last few days he's discovered the stairs and that he can climb up them! He's so proud when he gets a few steps up and looks back to see if we're watching. Then we see a little temper come out when we have to remove him and redirect him. Time to get the baby gates... Henry has mastered the art of waving for "Hi" and "Bye bye" which he accompanies with a giant grin that shows off his teeth (5 so far, with more near based on restless sleep the last few nights!). Henry is learning to feed himself - cheerios, small bites of sweet potatoes, strawberries, bananas (although we've found that they stick to the tray), peas (green, black eyed) and beans, scrambled eggs, pumpkin bread - basically anything and everything that we give him. We're seeing that he is a verbal child and makes his presence known wherever we are, whether it be a restaurant, the library, or Mass - thank goodness Father Henry doesn't mind! Henry has started the dadadadada, babababa, ggggg, and ssssss sounds and he's mastered the art of high pitched screams to get our attention. Still waiting for a mamamama, it will come I know. Everyday is a gift with these two little ones!!! Now to get some work done while he finishes his nap!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Playing at the park

Playing at the park
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily

The bookstore

"One of my favorite places"

Quotes from Mary in the Car

"Mommy, did you know that the sun is a big light bulb in the sky that God turns on in the morning and turns off at night."

Hungry, Hungry Hippo's!

Hungry, Hungry Hippo's!
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily

Eating pancakes and eggs!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Riding on Mommy's shoulders

Riding on Mommy's shoulders
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily

Driving together!

Driving together!
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily


Henry's first time on a slide on big sister's lap!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dinner at Nino's

Dinner at Nino's
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Starting to feel like fall.....

Starting to feel like fall.....
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily



Originally uploaded by widenerfamily


Originally uploaded by widenerfamily

It's pumpkin time!

Looking at pictures of Mommy when she was a baby

Looking at pictures of Mommy when she was a baby
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Yummy Strawberries!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The finished project!!

The finished project!!
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily

Making a Fire Truck in the Home Depot parking lot

Making a Fire Truck in the Home Depot parking lot
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily

Thursday, October 2, 2008

For Henry too!

He skipped the tea, but enjoyed the zuccini bread!

Tea party time!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dress up for dinner.....

Dress up for dinner.....
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily

Beep Beep!!

Driving in my car!

Pushing my little brother!

Pushing my little brother!
Originally uploaded by widenerfamily