Originally uploaded by widenerfamily
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
New Pictures
There are some new pictures of Henry that have been added over the last couple days. Be sure to check them out by clicking on the link to the right, or by clicking here.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Mary Sings a Song or Two
Mary got a new guitar for Christmas and decided to sing a couple songs!
Welcome - Version 1
I Love the........
Mary sings a Medley (5 min. long)
"I'm not Ready to Make Nice"
Thursday, December 27, 2007
A day in the life.....
Mary is still enamored by Henry and gives him way more kisses than Henry could ever need, but he has yet to complain! ;-)
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
It's good to be home. We are so proud to have Mary, and now Henry, as part of our family. Keep checking this site in the future for updates, pictures, and more from the Widener Family.
--Joey, Amy, Mary, and Henry
Posted by Joey at 12:42 AM
Monday, December 24, 2007
Heading home...
Just waiting on the Dr. to come by to give us the final OK. Henry is doing great, and we are looking forward to having everyone home for Christmas.
Posted by Joey at 9:43 AM
Saturday, December 22, 2007
A Day with Henry
Today was a good day for all. Henry is quite the content baby. Someone told us near the end of the pregnancy that a baby that moves alot in the womb is quiet when they get out. That certainly seems to be the case with Henry. The only times he seems to make a peep is when he is hungry or when his blankets get taken off him for some reason, or when his diaper is dirty.
Mary gave Henry many kisses and hugs. Anytime that Henry makes a peep, Mary is right there saying "it's OK baby Henry, you'll be alright." It's great to see Mary embracing this newest member of our family.
If all goes as planned, we should be heading home Monday afternoon, just in time for Christmas! Mary is super excited to help Henry open his gift from her, and we are super excited to have another little one to share Christmas with.
Amy continues to recover, and fight through some of the pain that comes along with childbirth. What a trooper. Men are sissies when compared to what women experience with childbirth.
Happy Holidays!!
Posted by Joey at 10:17 PM
Update from the Hospital
Everyone is doing well, although Amy and I wish we could have gotten a little more sleep!
Henry is doing great, feeding like a champ. Amy is recovering well, but still a little sore.
Now if we could get a little free time without interruptions from nurses, doctors, etc. we could catch up on some sleep!
Posted by Joey at 10:38 AM
All is well....
Amy is doing great and Henry has been sleeping most of his life. Trying to wake him so he can eat, with no luck. We think he is simply pooped from the day as well. We're trying to get some sleep ourselves, and will report back with more info in the morning.
Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers.
Amy, Joey, Mary, and Henry
Posted by Joey at 12:39 AM
Friday, December 21, 2007
Another quote from the Dr.
"Are you contracting? Well go straight to Labor & Delivery!"
So we're off!! Looks like we might be having a baby today!
More to come.
Nothing happening yet....
Does not seem like the eggplant did the trick. :-(
We're about to head out for some walking to see if that will help. Wish us luck.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Could this have been the last Doctor visit?
We went in for our last ultrasound and our weekly Dr checkup this afternoon. All is well and the baby is measuring ~9 lbs 5oz. The baby continues to be very active, and we even saw it moving during the ultrasound. We got some great glimpses of the face, nose, ears, and hands. Still no answer on the gender-we've waited this long so what's another week or so!
Our Dr is on call on Friday and encouraged us to call in the morning if Amy is having any contractions. The schedule at Piedmont is full for planned c-sections so we're hoping that Amy will show enough signs that we'll be able to go in and have the baby delivered. They won't turn us away if there are some contractions and our Dr will be there to deliver. Otherwise we wait for real labor to start (and have another Dr in the practice deliver) or until the 31st for a planned c-section with our Dr. Based on the baby's position - head is down but still very high-our Dr isn't convinced that Amy will even go into labor before the 31st! So tomorrow we're off to Scalinis a local Italian restaurant that promises to send full term pregnant women into labor with a serving of their eggplant parmesan. Wish us luck!
If you have any other suggestions feel free to let us know by posting a comment via the link below. More updates to come soon.
Just wanted to let you all know that when we do go into labor updates will still be posted to the website in real time. Whenever there is news to report I simply send an email from my BlackBerry and voila, it is added to the website. So no worries, you will be informed.
Posted by Joey at 5:03 PM
Global Warming - What Should We Do?
Ran across this video on YouTube. Thought it was worth sharing with others. If you have comments, share them!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Eggplant Parm
At the Re/Max Christmas Party and Amy just finished her 2nd helping of eggplant parm. We'll see if the 'old wives tale' is true!!
Quotes from the Dr today
"Buy a shirt that says I am not having twins"
"You are measuring 42 weeks"
"Maybe your body will say 'I can't take it anymore'"
"I am not delivering this baby early, unless we have a reason to"
"Don't blame me, it's your genes that are producing a big baby"
"It's a good thing you're having a cesarean, there is no way we would be able to deliver this baby"
So we wait.......we have one last ultrasound scheduled for next week, so we'll provide additional updates when needed.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
'I love the baby'
Monday, December 10, 2007
"I think I am having contractions!"
Nothing to get excited about yet, but we're getting more and more signs that Amy must be getting closer to the birth of of the baby. Back to the Dr. on Wednesday morning for our weekly checkup. Updates will be provided as appropriate.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
If there was ever a reason to want to have another child, this is it....
No News is Good News......
Back to the Dr. for the weekly checkup again today. All is well. Baby is still head down and still moving all the time. Dr is happy with everything she can see/feel/hear, so the wait continues.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Cramps.....Could it be Contractions?
What a difference ~24 hours makes. Amy is feeling much better this morning. No more earaches, just a cough every so often. More rest than normal is still required.
During the day yesterday there were many times when Amy felt what might have been early contractions. We could be having this baby sooner than we all thought!
Monday, December 3, 2007
In Sickness and In Health......
Amy started feeling something coming on last week. We went to the Dr. Friday to get a checkup. Dr. determined that there was something going on and gave a prescription for antibiotics. After chills, coughing, stuffiness, and other symptoms, we held out until Sunday when Amy woke up with a painful earache. After checking with multiple Dr's and the pharmacist, Amy is now on a regimen of twice-a-day antibiotics. We'll keep you informed on the status.